posts. Member since
Jan 2022
1st Apr '22 - 10:57AM
Two weeks after some BB in all 3 holes, I have tested negative for Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea (plus HIV and Syphilis, but these probably need doing again later on).
I do wonder if putting my bare cock up an arse (any arse, not just a working girl's) is totally sensible. I would say my balls and abdomen haven't felt right in the last week; but no pain on peeing, no discharge, semen comes out clean and painlessly. But I do have a persistent full feeling in the abdomen, a weird feeling in the bladder at times, and lower back pain that could easily be a low grade kidney infection.
Looking around it seems the NHS only test the big four but other diseases are around:
Hepatitis B
Herpes Simplex Virus
Maybe the first three could explain my Sx.
Does anyone here have experience of these other bugs or their treatment. Anyone used the private providers for testing?
I did enjoy my BB and might do it again but maybe not the anal!
I do wonder if putting my bare cock up an arse (any arse, not just a working girl's) is totally sensible. I would say my balls and abdomen haven't felt right in the last week; but no pain on peeing, no discharge, semen comes out clean and painlessly. But I do have a persistent full feeling in the abdomen, a weird feeling in the bladder at times, and lower back pain that could easily be a low grade kidney infection.
Looking around it seems the NHS only test the big four but other diseases are around:
Hepatitis B
Herpes Simplex Virus
Maybe the first three could explain my Sx.
Does anyone here have experience of these other bugs or their treatment. Anyone used the private providers for testing?
I did enjoy my BB and might do it again but maybe not the anal!
User no longer active
1st Apr '22 - 21:37PM
Sounds like kidney stones, smaller ones pass through from kidney to bladder with associated pain in lower back, heaviness in abdomen area etc etc. Only the big ones are excruciating i.e. equivalent to childbirth, and need intervention. Drink more water and see if it eases.
User no longer active
3rd Apr '22 - 16:14PM
Just buy some doxycycline and self treat if you're all clear after testing, it will clear up most things.

posts. Member since
Feb 2020
5th Apr '22 - 22:42PM
And how do you buy that?

posts. Member since
Jun 2020
5th Apr '22 - 23:54PM
You can buy Doxycycline online (from Superdrug, Lloyds etc) by either saying you have a partner who has tested positive for something like Chlamydia or by pretending that you are travelling to a malaria infested country where doxy is used as a prophylactic although I wouldn't recommend self medication!

posts. Member since
Feb 2020
9th Apr '22 - 21:06PM
Hey mate, sorry you're feeling rough.
Anal sex is a risky business, especially as we get a bit older. There's the usual risk of STIs which are universal at any age, but commonly in the over 40s we see UTIs - simple infections of the urinary system from usually coliform bacteria or E. Coli. There's also the risk of prostatitis which can really make you feel miserable.
If you have tested neg for Chlamydia and gonorrhoea then the things to consider next are likely prostatitis or a UTI. Your GP can advise - and you can say you were merely fucking the wife/gf. If it is then you'll get given a different class of antibiotics - in this case most likely ciprofloxaxin or moxifloxacin.
Best of luck
Anal sex is a risky business, especially as we get a bit older. There's the usual risk of STIs which are universal at any age, but commonly in the over 40s we see UTIs - simple infections of the urinary system from usually coliform bacteria or E. Coli. There's also the risk of prostatitis which can really make you feel miserable.
If you have tested neg for Chlamydia and gonorrhoea then the things to consider next are likely prostatitis or a UTI. Your GP can advise - and you can say you were merely fucking the wife/gf. If it is then you'll get given a different class of antibiotics - in this case most likely ciprofloxaxin or moxifloxacin.
Best of luck

posts. Member since
Aug 2020
1st May '22 - 08:21AM
Never realised that you could get antibiotics direct from the chemist, thanks for sharing that info.

posts. Member since
Jun 2020
25th Jul '22 - 23:42PM
cant imagine standing at the counter in boots with a queue behind me describing the symptoms of the clap to a 19 year old female assistant
posts. Member since
Mar 2022
27th Jul '22 - 08:43AM
Why did people saying "STD"?

posts. Member since
Sep 2021
27th Jul '22 - 17:43PM
A good question which I cannot answer

posts. Member since
Nov 2020
28th Jul '22 - 11:39AM
No medical expert but my take on it is that a infection is something you catch like covid, the flu, HPV, syphilis etc whereas a disease is like cancer, cerebral palsy, heart disease, diabetis etc.

posts. Member since
Sep 2021
29th Jul '22 - 08:13AM
never thought of it like that
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