Edinburgh Band Lapdance Clubs

89 posts. Member since Mar 2021
23rd Aug '22 - 15:52PM
This is slightly off topic but I would be interested to hear the views of ladies on here.

I caught an item on the Today programme the other morning. They reported Edinburgh is to ban lap dancing clubs. Actually they won't ban them outright, but not issue any licences (there was some legal reson for not implementing an outright ban but not sure I followed the logic).

They interviews a woman supporting the ban and she trotted out the usual feminist claptrap ... objectifies women etc. Her strongest argument for the ban was that 'men enjoy these clubs'. Given the strong Cavinist (aka kill joy) traditions in Scotland I was not surprised by this line of argument.

To their credit, Radio 4 interviewed a couple of women who had worked as lap dancers. One said she had to take up the work, 'cos she was broke, but discovered she enjoyed it. They refuted the 'objectification' argument and said working as a lap dancer meant they got to know their clients.

So, what do the ladies on here think? Is lap dancing exploitative? Does it objectify women? if men enjoy visiting strip clubs, is this a problem? Is it a gateway to prostitution, drug taking etc.? Is it an enjoyable way to make money or just a job?

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