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21st Jan '20 - 20:15PM
So, I’m getting hassled my a man who has hidden his profile, il block him then 20 mins later I have another message from a different profile name but the profile user is hidden... so it’s obviously this bloke again, iv ignored his messages this time, iv not responded and Iv not blocked him, now Iv been left with negative feedback for “not replying to messages” and “not responding to requests” are theses actual good enough reasons to get negative feedback? Isn’t it my choice who I reply 2 and who I see? Also why Is it so god bam easy to leave someone bad feedback on this site
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22nd Jan '20 - 23:23PM
Contact admin explain the situation then will delete user and feed back
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27th Feb '20 - 03:17AM
Some clients can be such idiots sometimes harassment is one thing but sometimes it goes in one ear and comes out other with some of them I have had similar years ago and he hacked into my account when i closed it down and descided to help himself to feedback and said i made a booking when i never accepted so he could say nasty things he was forceful with wanting bareback and demanding dirty pics and vids as well as a relationship obsessive behaviour I suspected the bloke was a nutter. before I left the site gosh knows how he did it on adultwork at the time but I had been away to see family and closed down the account before i left and next I got an email to say he's left feedback I was disgusted in adultwork tbh for doing that similar thing that happen to you with him making fake profile after you block him to get to you yep iv had same done to me a few clients iv seen straight through it yano ya can meet some lovely clients and next get idiots like that there so many dick heads out there it's like they get a kick out of it cuz they got nothing else better to do babe just keep blocking if you suspect anything and if you don't like sound of the client say your fully booked up and then block asap and report them theres a site I'm sure think SAFFE do it u can do a punter check with ther number see if that person has been reported by other escorts babs xx
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1st Oct '21 - 22:18PM
Also if they have left a number report them on ClientEye..i love that app? (App Super easy to use) and adultzone...
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