Forum rules

42 posts. Member since Sep 2016
19th Aug '21 - 12:27PM
Please read through the following rules before posting. Failure to adhere to these terms may result in your account being restricted or banned.

No Spam / Advertising / Self-promote in the forums
Please do not use these forums to advertise yourself, services, products or other websites with little or completely unrelated content. The escort directory is where you can promote yourself, your services and your availability.

DO NOT ASK for email addresses or phone numbers
Contact details can be found on individual profile pages. You may also contact members through private message

DO NOT PUBLISH personal details
Publishing real names and/or contact details of any persons will result in a ban. If you wish to report an abusive client, please contact an admin or use the National Ugly Mugs service.

Do not post copyright-infringing material
Publishing illegally obtained copyrighted materials is forbidden.

Do not post "offensive" posts, links or images
Any material which constitutes defamation, harassment, or abuse is strictly prohibited. Material that is obscene, racist, or otherwise discriminatory is not permitted on these forums. This includes user pictures. Use common sense while posting.

Remain respectful of other members at all times
All posts should be courteous of other members. Anyone who attacks, degrades, insults, or otherwise belittles other members, will be banned.

Be DESCRIPTIVE and don't post generic content
When creating a new thread, please use descriptive thread names. A short sentence should suffice. Avoid thread names such as "Help" or "Question". Failure to do so may result in the thread being removed.

Avoid replying to threads with generic responses such as 'Agreed' or 'Me too'. These will be removed.
Liked by GoodTongue, Masterlee

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