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17th Oct '21 - 13:16PM
Ive always been curious about escorting, love sex and group sex, but I am a complete novice - in anyone's experience, will being in early thirties be a road block?
Ive always been curious about escorting, love sex and group sex, but I am a complete novice - in anyone's experience, will being in early thirties be a road block?

posts. Member since
Jan 2020
17th Oct '21 - 15:29PM
Not at all in my experience. I was late 30s when I started and my only regret is that I didn't start earlier!

posts. Member since
Jun 2021
17th Oct '21 - 16:20PM
Age is not relevent to becoming an escort what is the realization that they are paying for you to make them happy not visaversa.

posts. Member since
Jan 2021
18th Oct '21 - 11:26AM
liana makes a valid point

posts. Member since
Mar 2021
19th Oct '21 - 11:16AM
Age makes no difference as LianaMature said, what does is your attitude and that you deliver on the services advertised in your profile.

posts. Member since
Jul 2020
25th Oct '21 - 07:57AM
shouldn't matter at all.
User no longer active
12th Nov '21 - 12:08PM
As Sally says, it's never too late, personally I think starting in your 30s stands you in better stead mentally. More emotionally mature. More experience of men. Just life experience helps.
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6th Dec '21 - 01:19AM
Age has nothing to do with it, what affects it in reality is your desire and way of thinking.
You can start at 30 or before, but if you want it, and you put effort into what you’re doing, there won’t be anything that can stop you.
As “GirlfriendExperienceYO8” says, I think starting at 30 is an advantage, as you have a degree of maturity that enables you to make decisions thinking about yourself and not your emotions.
You can start at 30 or before, but if you want it, and you put effort into what you’re doing, there won’t be anything that can stop you.
As “GirlfriendExperienceYO8” says, I think starting at 30 is an advantage, as you have a degree of maturity that enables you to make decisions thinking about yourself and not your emotions.
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2nd Jan '22 - 18:55PM
30 to 60 are the best years for a women as not too young and immature and not too old and past it.
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12th Feb '22 - 07:45AM
Others have already adequately answered this question, so I will only say that in my own experience, it can be stressful, intense, aggravating, grueling, long hours, spoiling, challenging and medically demanding! However, it is also exciting, absorbing, stimulating, and inspiring. If I don't enjoy it, there is no way I would.
User no longer active
17th Feb '22 - 14:55PM
@LianaMature. Your opinion is Right,
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