User no longer active
18th Dec '21 - 09:59AM
When people pay to view your photos and videos ca you withdraw that money?
User no longer active
29th Dec '21 - 07:09AM
no, you can only use it towards upgrading your profile.
User no longer active
12th Feb '22 - 08:57AM
can anyone tell me the benefits of upgrading account?
User no longer active
13th Feb '22 - 02:29AM
I'm honestly shocked you cant withdraw what UV earned from pics and vids, can anyone recommend a site like aw that doesn't want photo id to keep ur profile active? Thanks x
User no longer active
15th Feb '22 - 08:27AM
I think it's for authentication or confirmation that you are the real user of their service and offer and not a bot or just someone stealing someone else's identity. Perhaps it is to verify that you are not using someone else's account to withdraw profits. Hence a photo of you is confirmation that you are the real user

posts. Member since
Sep 2016
15th Feb '22 - 10:30AM
Hi. We'll be offering money withdrawals shortly starting with trials for select accounts in the coming months. Please keep your eyes peeled on site announcements. Thanks. R
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