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18th Dec '18 - 12:00PM
I truly believe that being oneself is certainly important in life and being a gentlemen at all times gets one a lot further in life as well as on my therapy table.
There's no need to be anything other than that.
I've been truly blessed in 19 years of the therapy business to have nothing BUT gentlemen patrons and for that I'm very grateful!
Being a gentleman on my table tells me that it's your TRUE character in all facets of business and personal life.
Have a lovely and blessed day!
MO :O)
Motherapy via yahoo
There's no need to be anything other than that.
I've been truly blessed in 19 years of the therapy business to have nothing BUT gentlemen patrons and for that I'm very grateful!
Being a gentleman on my table tells me that it's your TRUE character in all facets of business and personal life.
Have a lovely and blessed day!
MO :O)
Motherapy via yahoo
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